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So I was watching the tang tank today and noticed some movement amongst the shells. Turns out my N. Similis have had their first batch of fry. It's hard to tell at this stage but I look to have at least 10 and they are free.

I won't be removing them as I don't have a tank to put them in, but the parents seem to be doing a great job, and at this stage nothing in the tank has either noticed or seems interested in the fry.

Any sudgestions on what to feed or how to feed them would be much appreciated, at this stage I am thinking crushed flake? I will also try and get hold of some BBS.

Needles to say I'm pretty stoked!!

Will post pics once they are big enough

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i use nsl grow but i put it in a pepper grinder shaker and it grinds it up good

only use a little it grinds it up fine u can try that or use any dry food in it

but get a new one and clean it out good before u use it


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If you're swinging by this end of town, Kerrin, I'm happy to spot you a microworm culture to add to the variety of fry foods. Sera Micron is also a great first food.


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Update on the fry situation,

No losses at this stage, feeding well on crushed flake and am about to start cultivating some BBS. The ratio in my 215L is 1m 2f, as well as 11 cyp utinta and 1 julie marlieri gombe. I intitally set up a shell bed at opposite corners of the tank as I first had 2m 2f but the 2 males would not see eye to eye so in the end one was removed, leaving 1 male with a female and a territory at each end.

It would appear that he is quite the stud as both females appear to have fry, the latest discoveries seem to be a little smaller than the bigger group, leading me to believe that he has spawned with the second female a little more recently.

I wonder if anyone else shares my feelings of astonishment that after 2 months of waiting for something to happen, both females, each with a completely seperate territory, spawned at pretty much the exact same time. I wonder if this is a case of reaching maturity or conditons being perfect at the moment, or sheer coincidence. All fish were purchased at the same time, and there have been no disturbances to tank layout/territory since introduction. Any thoughts?

Still very much stoked as this was my biggest hope when setting up the tank, and the whole reason for choosing the stock and layout that I chose. More than anything I am just soo pleased that I have been able to provide these fish with an environment that they are happy enough to breed in!

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