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Amount of cichlid Vs tank size


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I have a tank measuring W122 x D60 x H54 it's close to 400ltr but buy the time you take into account gravel rock and driftwood it would be closer to 300ltr I guess, can anyone tell me how many cichlids I could have comfortably, at present I'm holding around 20, mainly fish from Malawi and 2 from Tanganyika, I'm concerned I might over stock, what say you.

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depends what species you are keeping

if the tanks 4x2x2 you can easily house 50 fish aslong as your filtration is good

i myself like to keep large colonies of fish around 25+ of each species and i have previously kept 50 tropheus moliro in a tank this size basically it all comes down to your filtration

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont recommend mixing tanganyikan and malawi as the malawi fish are generally much more agressive, so stick to one or the other. Plus with that tank size a large colony is possible definitly but as mentioned its about water changes and the level of filtration.

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