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Vertical breeding


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As the topic heading states. I have noticed some of my cichlids (P. demasoni) breeding on vertical surfaces when the there are a multitude of horizontal version available for the conniptions to occur.

I am often the last person to know but does this sort of behaviour occur often.

Many thanks in your responses.


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First time I have seen it happen. Was able to photograph it-poor quality. It was a porous surface so who knows regarding the eggs being able to be held in place. I don't think it was a successful spawning but the behavior was awesome to watch.

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haha! That's the first time I've ever seen that! They might have spawned there because that is where they felt safe. Hopefully you'll get some fry!!

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When the egg is released it will be sticky and will adhere to the surface. Not a common but if they want somewhere they feel they will not be disturbed then vertical is as good place as any.

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Cheers for the update

They had a go on all available surfaces schist, fine gravel and a paua shell with no interaction from any of the other fish. They kept on going back to the Poret.

They`re all up for product endorsements.

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This is absolutately normal especially with the demasoni due to their level of aggression, so they tend to breed in any position to avoid being harrassed by the other fish around.

Congrats. On that mate.

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