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Fry question.


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Hi everyone,

I have been trying to do some research about cichlid fry.

My flameback has just released her fry and i currently have them in a fry saver together. I've read that they will be ok together and ive also read that she may eat them.

I have noticed that they swim back into her mouth and then later they are released into the tank again.

should I leave them with her for a little longer? and how do I know when she has spat all of them out??

very excited to see the fry this morning

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I tend to remove the females from the fry saver once I know the fry a freely swimming in and out.

If you hold the female carefully she will spit most of the fry out. If you open her mouth gently with your finger nail, end of a match or a small kitchen baster whilst holding her under water will ensure that all fry are out.

There are plenty of YouTube clips on stripping fry.

Here is an article that you may find helpful


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