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What would you do?


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Hi all

Hypothetically if you were to be given some beach sand directly from a beach, what would you do to ensure that all contaminants/bacteria are out of it? I was wondering if Boiling it would be sufficient?

Thanks in advance


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I figured it would be as good as any sand hopefully contains some calcium (shells etc) which will help with buffering as it is going to be a Tanganyikan tank. But I might do some tests and see how it comes up.

Keep your thoughts coming. Not going to do it until the weekend.



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yes i clean it up and put it in the tank

then i put in some tester fish some fry

that if they die u don't lose much and see how they go for about 1 week

if they live then u know it ok to put your good fish in


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Should be good with a rinse to wash it and get the salt out.

I don't use fine sand in my tanks anymore. I found sometimes you can get anaerobic pockets in there especially under rocks. In these pockets you get foul smelling black stuff and the whole tank can crash. I use pool filter and coral sand for the larger particle size. This allows for water movement through the sand. Having said that plenty use beach and playpit sand.

Also you may find taking sand off the beach may be illegal. But only if you get caught.

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