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white spot


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hi i have an out break of white spot in 4 tanks (conectected)

anyway ive lost a few fish and im trying to save the rest (malawi,s)

ive increased the temp to 28 trying to get to 30

ive put 5 teaspoons of sea salt per 200lt tank

ive put some meds in (old white spot treatment i had laying around ) but not a high enough dose

what should i buy and where (online hopefully )any help would be appreciated

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online wont be fast enough for your fish. go to your local (or any) store and pick up a bottle of something there. i have found ichaway to be very good in the past and its fairly readily available.

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online wont be fast enough for your fish. go to your local (or any) store and pick up a bottle of something there. i have found ichaway to be very good in the past and its fairly readily available.

il go this morning and get whatever they have

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Aquasonic Ichonex is what I use

safe for catfish and works

Ich pathogen is always present in the water and

needs a trigger to set it in action so check what

has happened in those tanks - cold draft, new

fish, stress, water change ..............

remove any carbon and throw it away

increase aeration also when increasing temp

dose as per the instructions after the first course

do approx 20% a water change and then run a

second course and water change after that

the second course takes out any that you missed

in the free swimming stage which is the only stage

in their life cyle they are vulnerable to meds

steralise your nets

good practice to have a net for each tank

a cloth or towel to wipe down any water spills

and never put hands in tanks if you suspect a

disease as wet hands transfer the problem

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Same as Chris i use Aquasonic Ichonex for smaller tanks, but in large tanks i use Waterlife Protzin cost heaps more but more concentrated as well.

I also raise the temp if possible to 30c and leave the lights off while treating, when dropping temp though after treatment i only drop by 1c a day.

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i bought some aqua master rapid white spot reimdey came home done a 30% water change and treated the water

all seems ok ..............................lost a few more and some bristlenose,s

things are improving

il get some ichonex ... and keep it ready or maybe il just treat all my tanks as a precausion

anyway thanks for the help guys

and say i did buy fish with white spot how long would it be till it spread in the tank

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say i did buy fish with white spot how long would it be till it spread in the tank

you would notice it affect the other fish in a few days depending the health of

the other fish and their resistance to the strain of Ich

like I said you need to run 2 courses of treatment to confirm you have cleared

the pathogens even if the fish all look OK

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