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selecting black calvus


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its time for me to move a couple on...

i have 6 black calvus, 2 m and 4 f.

i want opinions on which male to keep, 1 is 8cm and chunky but quite pale in colour, the other is about 1cm smaller, not as thick but darker in colour and better spangling.

would it be wise to keep the larger paler one (he is dominant), or go for the better looking one? (im hoping they breed soon)

also, females all look good, but i only want 3, range in size from 5-6cm...probably wise to sell the smallest one as part of the pair?

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This may sound silly but why would you want to get rid of calvus?

The more the merrier,i have around 30 ranging 4cm breeding females to 8cm males all in a 4X18X18 and dont stop breeding.I show people videos of the tiny 4cm females with fry and they laugh!

I would be hanging onto them but others may think otherwise.

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This may sound silly but why would you want to get rid of calvus?

The more the merrier,i have around 30 ranging 4cm breeding females to 8cm males all in a 4X18X18 and dont stop breeding.I show people videos of the tiny 4cm females with fry and they laugh!

I would be hanging onto them but others may think otherwise.

thats good to know, i just assumed the males would eventually start to fight and possibly, they would all start to eat the fry.

i was only going to sell a pair because a single male might not sell that easily.

i think ill hang on to them all

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what size tank are they in Luke ?

I've got 2M 4F in a 2' x 2' x 18" and no problems

alpha male rules the tank but nothing more than a bit of sparing

and then they go off to their girls

I have a nice lump of Texas holey rock with some shells and barnacle

clusters to break up the territories

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im using exactly the same size tank chris, i have some of the shells on glass that george makes and also some of lionels calvus weges at each end of the tank.

ill find a chuck of rock for the middle to break it up, although they all pretty much hang around one corner together, except when they are chasing shrimp or other live fry.

do you use substrate chris? i have a bare bottom at the moment....the tank that is

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thats good to know,

Lol it's threads like this that put the 'ace is dead ' thread and all the silly facebook pages in their place.

Calvus raising advice from Chris and 'Con the hairy calvus man' is like asking the calvus themselves.

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