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Mbita pearl dwarf compressiceps


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i got some of them 21 about 8 months ago

at 3cm mark and now some of them are about 5 or a little bigger

and i have 1 that looks like she is fanning a shell and don't move far for it also

she is about 4-4.5cm big

and some of what looks like males are getting dark all most a black but not all of them

i know the male get to be about 8-9cm big and the female get about 5-7cm big

but i can't find much about them on the net any were

so if any one know any thing about them please let me know

like what size they are when starting to breed and stuff like that

thanks yanke (paul)

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hey yanke

comps form pairs that if split will take a fair while to form a new bond and although comps can be breed in harems if you split them up to keep your trio there is no gaurantee that the male won't reject the female once moved there is also no guarantee your going to pick out the right fish especially if your fishing through 21 of them to get a specific 3, if you can sex them your better off keeping 2 males and 5 girls and letting them form a harem over time and selling the rest

also they breed at around 4.5 to 5 cm

cheers rowie

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well i found out that the ones i got was a yrs old when i got them and i have had them for 6-8 months now so that at least 18 month old

and some are up to 6cm big now and going by size i can see 4-6 females

so they are about the age and size to start breeding now

i will keep the 3 biggest and the 6 smalls

and i am thinking of 3 males and 6 females and they are going in a 4x14x20 or 2m and 4f in a 3x18x20

and sell off the rest atfer they breed


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