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Gold Comp breeding


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Hey I have a pair of Gold Comps in my display tank and I think they have picked out a shell and have either bred or getting ready to breed.

I hadnt seen the femaile for sol long that I htought she had died until recently I saw her come in and out of the shell the male bravely spend nearly all his time defending the entrance which his does pretty succesfully

My question is how long till I see some babies in the shell?

A BN has gotten in the shell a couple of times but the female is till in the for most of the time and when ever the bn entered the shell the female was in there.

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It's odd that the BN went in whilst your female comps is in the shell as well ??!!! I thought the male comp will beat the heck out of the BN when it gets near by the shell?!!

Im guessing there's little chance of survivors (eggs) - but finger cross !!!

good luck


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yeah, I think I'll take them out and put them in a small tank on their own, The male comp did beat the hell out of the BM, but the bn is a male and full grown so I dont think the comp could do much damage.

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Yeah, i say separate em, My colony i got from a keeper of which had approx 20 albino bristlenoses in the same tank,.

Over the time, he only reared 2 fry successfully.

He didnt care, as i would, but not everyone is into saving all the young.

The Albino's and all catfish of that type, thrive on cichlid eggs,

many successfull power breeders of cats, have cichlids breeding just to feed their cats cichlid eggs.

The catfish don't strike as predominantly during daylight hours, but during the dark,

when the female has left her shell, and the male comp is unaware also.

best of luck with the brood.

please keep us updated.



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