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NSWCS Auction this saturday


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Was a bit bored so started this post. Was just wondering what everybody was bringing along to the NSWCS auction

I will start with myself

Neolamp Brevis

Protomelas Likoma Is

Sciaenochromis fryeri or Neolamp Multi

See yous at the auction


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Hey mate

How much do you expect the Neolamprologus brevis to go for.

I have a colony of around 7 adults that I'm trying to get rid of.

Just wondering what a good price would be.

Looking for something new so might head up to the auction.


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I've been trying to keep track of prices wrt brevis and a few other fish for a little while now.

You may be lucky to get $8 each.

As I write, a tiny sunspot brevis fry has just swum from the protection of it's parents shell out into the "wild" of my main tank. I aint going after it...

The prices Multis have been going for lately has been in my opinion ridiculous. Perhaps the more experienced people here will say that the demand for certain fish come and goes and so it might be better to hold on to certain fish at this point in time? My view is that at certain points in time you might get a better "trade" by bartering with your local lfs for fish or other.

I might try and sell some bristlenose fry @ about 2.5cm. What do people think about this? Are they too small? They are probably the most robust fish I have ever raised and so I think they ought to transfer well.

I just hope to earn back my petrol money, but am likely to send more than I win anyway (I need food - for my fish that is).



Im new to forum ,where and when is the Auction thanks ?

check this out -> meeting time

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Still deciding what we are going to be taking maybe some Multis, Blue Dolphin fry, Parrot Cichlid fry, Chitimba Bay fry or Rainbow Cichlid fry but still working out what we are doing - guess will decide tomorrow when have to start getting organised!

See ya all there tomorrow - sorry no yelling from me as I have lost my voice!

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