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Jaguar breeding pair, need advice?


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I have a large male jaguar and a smaller female, who has just laid about 100 eggs. i am unsure of what to do now... do i split them up into separate tanks because they are aggressive or will they be ok? and when the fry hatch do I need to put them into another tank? also should i increase water changes while they are still eggs? some info would be great as im new to this right now and they will hatch in a few days time!


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I would leave them alone with their eggs as removing them can cause domestic violence.The spawn by Jag standards is quite small so they are obviously quite young .You may loose this spawn but they should lay again if they eat them (although the big Central americans are often good parents).Water changes will be important after the eggs have hatched.Good luck.I love this fish

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thanks mate, appreciate the advice! yeah she is pretty small and is her first batch, so my fingers are crossed they all spawn successfully. she is fanning them and looking after them as expected and the male has become very protective of them. hope all turns out ok.

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