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Bio grid cartridge?


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Hey all,

today my girlfriend bought a tank and filter for a community setup. It is an aquaone clearview hang on filter. It has the foam pad with activated carbon in one cartridge an their is also a second cartridge that seems to be just a gridded piece of plastic that claims it enhances bio filtration and optimises colonization of nitrifying bacteria. But it's just a bit of black plastic? I've never seen one before and it seems odd that they would claim a bit of plastic to do these things. Has anyone seen one of these before and can explain how a bit of plastic is bio filtration? Thanks

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The grid gives it surface area for bacteria to grow on. Basically if it is correct the surface area in a grid should be more than a straight bit of material. Bacteria will grow on any surface in the tank. The grid just allows more area for the water to pass over and allowing the bacteria to filter more water.

Kind of.

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