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Liquid Fry food


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Just wanted to know if many people have had success or failures using liquid fry food, i was reading this article on cichlid forum. They have a recipe has anyone tried it? Has anyone used anytype of liquid fry food with accelerated growth rates in malawis or tangs or decreasing death rates in the fry??




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There are almost no cichlid fry that need liquid food.The only one I have had are Rams that have the smallest cichlid egg(or so I believe)their fry are also small and cant take BBS.I feed them paramecium for a few days then microworms.Liquid fry food probably feeds the tanks natural infusoria as much as it is eaten itself.Ram fry are very sensitive to polutants so I wouldnt use it.

Ive also had fair success (in tiny glossolepis rainbows)with Sera micron or similar aquaculture food,havent tried it with any cichlid though.

The Tangs I breed (enantiopus,cyprichromis,various lamps) are all huge as fry and take BBS and fine flake food,definitely no need for polluting liquid foods.


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Ive used cyclopeze and havent found it very good it tends to clump and takes time to hydrate ,I like Sera micron(or similar) much better.

Maximum growth in cichlids is more a function of great water quality than food.A good varied diet based around BBS cant be beaten for the first few months,and lots of water changes

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For the tiny fry like rams and a few others i usually start with OSI micro food (white powder in a test tube) originally used for feeding feather dusters etc in marines. Then onto Sera micron etc.

Have never been a fan of liquid fry type foods as they can pollute very quickly if not carefull JMO

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Does anyone recommend that cyclop - ezze stuff??


so what do you breeders use to help the fry grow faster :)

G'day lithoMan, In my years of breeding Cichlids I've mainly used newly hatched Brine Shrimp & Micro Worms with a little Tetra Baby Food, which is like a powder. Live food makes the fry grow & helps produce good colour as they mature & seems to produce strong fry. :thumb

Cichlid POWER, Peter

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