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Cichlids are Great parents


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I have a 900x600x450 tank that has several species of cichlid in it....

Cryptoheros sajica,Cryptoheros spilurum,Pelvicachromis pulcher...

All have spawned from time to time....but the Kribs now have fry that are 2months old

sajica are about 5 weeks and now spilurum have now appeared with a swam!!!

I will set them up with their own tanks over Christmas....but it will be interesting to see what fry survive ;)

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I feel a bit guilty having them all in the one tank....but it is interesting how they are all keeping their broods together

One thing for certain....only the fittest will survive!

I can certainly recommend the Central Americans to novices....

Very pretty fish....not too aggressive or too big, easy to breed and Great parents,....should have a pair in at least a 750mm tank though

I bought another pair of spilurus from a LFS who had them 2 for $10....they didn't look much in the shop.....but a month of NLS and blackworms and now money wouldn't buy them

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