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THANK YOU! and (hopefully) one last question


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Thank you to everyone who has replied to my previous posts, we now have two Oscars (about 4 inches long each) in our new big aquarium. they are getting along reasonably well so far and everything seems all good in terms of water quality and so on. So thank you very much to everyone who helped along the way!!

The only problem we seem to be having is that both of the fish quite obviously do not like the fluro light the tank has (i think a standard fluro that is held within the hood, running the length of the tank). Anytime the light is on both fish hide or play dead on the bottom of the tank, and rarely move. As soon as we switch the light off, they spring into action, swimming around the tank and are quite active.

The problem is, when we have the light off we cant really see them much, particulalrly the dark one. So it would be great to have a light to see them that doesnt bother them.

Does anyone have any suggestions on different lights, or reasons they might not like this one that could be taken into consideration?

Thanks again for all your help so far :)


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Are they albino oscars? One possibility is it may be a weaker line of albinos that are more sensitive to light therefore they go into hider to prevent discomfort.

As for other lights you could switch your current white tube to a blue tube. Blue tubes today are a very nice blue and if you buy a decent one they put out a fair bit of light (Nothing in comparison with a white tube)which will allow you to watch the oscars. The only problem I see is that may then affect with the ability of them to distiguish day/night cycles.

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Our new parrot cichlids hated the light so we left it a week without putting it on and over the weekend just put it on a couple of hours at a time and now they are not hiding as much when its on.

They will get used to it.

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If you have a spare 2 foot light use that and they can sort of hang out on the edges.

As they get comfortable with that, start feeding them directly under the light so that they have to come in to the lighted area to get food. As oscars are always hungry they will soon get used to the light.

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If you have a spare 2 foot light use that and they can sort of hang out on the edges.

As they get comfortable with that, start feeding them directly under the light so that they have to come in to the lighted area to get food. As oscars are always hungry they will soon get used to the light.

Great answer Dave :thumb

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Yep good answer

how many watts tube you got?

But i would go for less watts in the light tube

We may like it bright but not so some fish

If you dont have a smaller fitting

The towel should work as well even if you dull only one end you will find out which light they like?

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If you read 1st post

they are fine with no light

So having between no light and some soft light makes sense to me

you say this in your above post as well

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I think rather then try and force the oscars into the light, we should look at why they don't like it in the first place.

Its common for oscars to do this when they are first introduced to a new environment, since oscars dont originally come from brightly lit waters, and even now they are bred on commercial fish farms in large dimly lit ponds, it takes time for them to adjust, the advice the other members have given is good advice, the towel or the smaller light fitting, either one will work.

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