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how would a calvus go in a malawi tank?

the malawi tank has

1 blue dolphine

1 electric blue

1 l'hongi

1 venustus

1 maingano

2 red empress

3 peacocks

1 afra cobue

2 bristlenose

There is still plenty of swimming space left in the tank and most of the fish have settled down and taken there territory on the right side of the tank. There is no aggression (yet) and the fish all get on quite well. The fish are all still young and will hopefully grow up together peacefully.

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hello ccmariners sorry but im not much help with your question other than the theory that aslong as they are young and grow together they should be fine?

but then again the calvus comes from lake tanganyika ?

to keep the calvus happy it should have a large tank with sufficient amount of rocks and caves you should also have a sand bottom?, pH and temperature are like the malawi lake cichlids this is just what iv just read i do hope it has helped :dntknw:

Q. do you beleive this to be your last (final) introduction to your tank?? & how big is your tank ??

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hello ccmariners sorry but im not much help with your question other than the theory that aslong as they are young and grow together they should be fine?

but then again the calvus comes from lake tanganyika ?

to keep the calvus happy it should have a large tank with sufficient amount of rocks and caves you should also have a sand bottom?, pH and temperature are like the malawi lake cichlids this is just what iv just read i do hope it has helped :dntknw:

Q. do you beleive this to be your last (final) introduction to your tank?? & how big is your tank ??

I have a three hundred litre tank. there is plenty of rocks and hiding places. This will be the second last introduction to my tank.

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Hi there

I have 4 black calvus and 5 gold head comps plus 3 gold comps in with my malawi tank and have never had a problem.

The calvus are a tough little fish and will flare up there fins to look bigger if approached by a larger malawi.

So i dont see you having a problem with them in there as long as they are not too small.

hope this helps you out a bit

cheers Gerard

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You need to provide us with more details - not just there is plenty of swimming space. For all we know that could mean the tank is 4ft high and 2ft long which would be unsuitable for the fish you have and want. It is not swimming space that is important rather it is floor space. What sizes are your current fish and what size would the calvus be?

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