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Geophagus Araguaia are breeding!


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hi last week i bought a colony of geophagus araguaia. approx 9-14cm. a pair has started to breed now. the female has laid her eggs on a rock while male is helping female guard the eggs from other fish. i just want to know when is a good time to remove fries from parents. also should i feed fries/ parents anything while fries are in their mouth? cheers.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hi fishrocks,

I have had numerous successful spawnings with these fish. The parents hatch the fry out of the eggs between 24 and 48 hours after spawning. Fry are free swimming 4 to 5 days after they have been hatched out. I usually strip the parents on the fifth day as the yolk sack is usually consumed by then or very close to it. Fry are robust enough to survive on their own at this stage, and can be fed finely ground flake or pellet food or best option bbs. Good luck with the fry. By the way you might want to check out this thread in regard to the correct variant id for your new fish. http://www.perthcichlid.com.au/forum/index...?showtopic=2403

an interesting read for anyone keeping orange heads. The bottom line here is that there is no G. sp. "Araguaia" 'Orange Head".



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