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White Spot - Safe to Treat Whole Community Tank?


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My new clown loaches seems to have developed white spot, just days after I recently treated my rummynoses in a seperate tank. I am thinking now that the disease must be in the community tank somewhere - so I think I should treat the whole tank. I have turned up the temperature in the tank to 28 degrees.

My only concern is that I have quite a lot of sensitive fish in there, including peppermint bns, sterbai corys, clown loaches, rummynoses, diamond tetras...(all juvies). I have Wardley Ickaway medication - anyone used it before? Is it safe to use in a community tank with my fish? Will a half dose be ok?

Will this medication kill my bacteria in the filter? I also have Chemi-Pure in the filter (sort of like purigen). Should I remove this? Will this "die" if left out of water?

Any other things you can recommend?

Thanks in advance, any input or opinions would be appreciated.

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There all half dose for any catfish.I have used Waterlife Protozin and saved all my L numbers from white spot, so i highly recommend that.Medications usually kill good and bad bacteria, but when i used it on my fish, i had no problems afterwards.

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