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Velvet - best treatment


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I'm pretty sure that some of my fish have velvet, they have been scratching and they have redness around their gill cover areas. I initially thought that they had gill flukes and treated them with Sterazin (full course treatment completed yesterday), but last night when I had a look at them I am pretty certain that it is velvet because they have a gold sheen on them especially near their gill area.

What is the most effective treatment for velvet? I was going to buy Protozin, but the LFS I contacted said that Protozin is quite weak and that there are more effective treatments - nit sure whether top believe them or not because they may have been spinning me a story because they dont stock Protozin anymore.


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Maybe you should find out the disease properly first before you dose your fish.To keep dosing and just guessing what it is will make your fish sick, and lower there immune system.If you keep dosing and not know what it is, they will probably end up dying from using too many medicines.

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