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what to put in an aqua one 380 tank?


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Hey all,

I have recently moved into college at university and had to leave my four foot tank at home, however I have been able to get hold of an aqua one 380 tank to put in my room! its only 38 litres and I dont really know what to put in there?

i have two small corydoras in there at the moment while the tank cycles, and was thinking of maybe putting in a pair of blue rams or apistogramma's in there with neon tetra's or something?

I have never kept these kind of fish so what I'm really asking is what fish would you put in?

many thanks


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Hey all,

I have recently moved into college at university and had to leave my four foot tank at home, however I have been able to get hold of an aqua one 380 tank to put in my room! its only 38 litres and I dont really know what to put in there?

i have two small corydoras in there at the moment while the tank cycles, and was thinking of maybe putting in a pair of blue rams or apistogramma's in there with neon tetra's or something?

I have never kept these kind of fish so what I'm really asking is what fish would you put in?

many thanks


Get rid of it and do a small salt water tank with a few nemos looks mad

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I used to have two of these tanks

we used them as lamps on our bedside tables.

In one i had a pair of mulites

and the other a pair of brichardi



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