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can convict and oscar put together?


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well my ocar is getting his buM kicked atm, coz the convict is about 1 cm larger. i had to put him a smaller tank inside the tank, he's all ripped. wound on this head, mouth etc.. and now he does eat and not as actively as when i first got him. the oscar just sit at the bottom of the tank now

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Convicts are hardy as all buggery and will thrive in almost any water params, I have kept them together before in a mixed SA/CA community.

Oscars are also big sooks who will sulk at the drop of a hat. Try using a divider to keep them physically apart if you wish to use the same tank and they MAY tolerate each other to an extent where you can let them live together, though by their very nature it is wise to keep an eye on them.

I would not add any more convicts though, as if (when is more the case really) they breed they will defend their spawn with typical cichlid zeal.

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On a side note the lfs should have asked you more questions before selling you 2 potentially aggresive fish, poor form on their behalf to just make a sale at the expense of a hobbyist.

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yes, i dont like that LFS at all, the guy is SO PUSHY, i just asked a question about the oscar he got, then he's like "so how many fish do you want?" and started adding water to the carrying bag, so i felt like ok i'll just have one convict, since one fish is 19.95, two for 30, so i bought two fish.

i feel sorry for the oscars he got, he put like 20 of them fish in one 25 to 30 L tank, some of the oscar are so badly beaten. then he's trying to sell me some electric yellows, then i asked him about the different pH requirement, he's like " no it does matter, they can like in the same tank".

seriously this guy doesnt care about the fish nor the customer, just want to make money.

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Then why did you buy the fish?? Bugger him if he is pushy.

Which LFS was it??

dont think it's legal/appropriate for me to name the shop, but yeah i wont go there again

It is better not to name the shop in a public forum, as it causes all sorts of issues both personal and professional.

I am a little amazed at the prices too, my friends store sells convicts for no more than $10, and that was a 5 1/2 inch stomper, usually they are a $2-$4 job.

Please pm me the name of the store though out of curiosity :dntknw:

I wont go into the whole e. yellow thing thats just stupid.

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hay mate sorry to be the one to tell you but u got ripped. convicts are worth bout $5 wholesale no more then $10 retail maybe $15 if its a whopper and a pair. i can honestly tell u from one oscar man to another covicts are cool tank mate to have. in saying that u will run into problems if the oscar is not atleast twice as big as the convict (remeber an oscar wil eat anything he can fit in his mouth crickets, lizards, mice ect). if you have a male and a female convict in the tank your in trouble they WILL BREED (convicts are alot like rabbits) and when they do they will become extremely hostile toward every fish in your take big or small.

take what u like from my experience but its not a one off thing iv seen it all to many time. feel free to pm me any question or experiences of your own.

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