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ive seen mostly people just using raw zucchini with something to make it sink probably keeps all the good stuff in it being raw.

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I used to blanch it in the microwave but don't anymore. I usually cut up a bunch and put it in the freezer and use them when required. To weigh it down I use a small rock and elastic band. I have seen others use an old fork.


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I use them raw. After breaking a few veg clips I now make my own. I found these great pegs in the tool section of bunnings and put the suction cups on from the same shop. Cost me 3 bucks made about 20 of them and have not broken one so far.

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How do you guys prepare Zucchini for your cichlids and bristlenose???? Do you boil it first or give it to them raw??

Thanks in advance.


I give mine raw stuff. I put a teaspoon through it which keeps it at the bottom. Some use a fork however it has also been said that the fish could damage themselves with the fork (don't know if true or not as have never experienced it).

I tried carrot however none of the catfish touched it - has others given carrot and if so partial cooked or raw?



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I just put my zuccini in raw - usually with a fork through it to make it sink.

My fish also LOVE pumpkin - they love this more than zuccini. Needs to be cooked tho. I just cut a wedge off, leaving the skin on,. Wrap it in gladwrap or put in a plastic bag. In the microwave for about 90seconds. PUt a fork in it (this is why you leave the skin on) and put in the tank. All the fish in the tank go mad on it.... especially the clown loaches and BN.

Bok Choy is also a favourite - I have silver dollars, so they love this. all I do with BOk Choy is wash it, put a fork in it and into the tank. It (for about 10 mins) just looks like another broad leafed plant - righ up untill the fish start devouring it.

happy vege feeding


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I have always boiled it always thought it would be easier for them to eat but i will try a raw piece see how it goes. Also another good way to hold it down is a rubber band and a small rock

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All replies have been awesome.....thanks everyone!!!

Well, I put a nice chunk of "raw" stuff in last night and i'm happy to say that it got smashed. Everyone seems to be enjoying it.


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It is more a treat than a meal. Entertainment for us, good food for them but they can't exist on it.

Buy some Sushi Nori (Seaweed produced for human consumption) at Wollies - they love it and it is a real treat for us to watch.

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