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Newbie setting up 4ft Malawi tank


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Hey guys

Im planning on setting up a 4ft African tank (substrate will be crushed coral and sand - mix)

Will try to get limestone, white rock and other rocks when I can find someone selling.

Since I am only starting, prefer a community, but also to breed hopefully, nothing more cuter than the sight of fry.

Im planning on like hopefully trios or small colony of Rusty, E.Yellow

Im thinking of another that is blue, was thinking of Afra Cobue but want something like Maingano, Johanni

What blue Mbuna would be good with the Rusties and E.yellow?

Still in the planning stages

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Hi Wutang,

I'm just getting into Mbuna myself (passions up to now have been Malawi Haps and Tanganyikans).

I don't know about the Rusty Cichlid from personal experience, but have kept E.Yellows with Afra 'Cobue' (nice blue/black/orange, but plain females) and Pseudotropheus Demasoni (nice deep blue) successfully. I think the Maingano might be a bit too rough, and I once received advice that the dominant species in a community tank could dominate the others so they won't breed.

Anyhow, I'll leave that small bit of info there for now, I'm sure others with more experience with Mbuna could advise.

Good luck.

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