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Multi changing sex?


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I have two multi's in a tank which I was sure were both females. I am 99% sure of this as the larger of the two has bred and reared young in this tank as part of a 1xM and 2xF harem.

To keep the bloodlines clean (males and females may have been siblings), I purchased two unknown young six months after the harem each had bred. During that really hot spell we had in January/February, my male, one female and one of my unknown young due to high water temperature and a DIY CO2 system going bonkers due to the heat.

Since then, my large female seems to have become a male (she has raised young of her own remember) and the smaller previously unknown is tending a small batch of fry.

I know that some gourami's can do this along with clown fish (marine) and some marine gobys, but multi's??

If the small multi is the male then that might explain it, but going off the behaviour of the previous colony, the male hovers over the various shells while the female tends the nest.

I'm very confused. :dntknw:


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