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HELP! My cihclids eyes are buldging! **UPDATE**


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hi everyone,

I have a colony of 11 rusty cichlids in a 4 foot tank who have been breeding like crazy so i assume everyone is pretty happy in there. Ive never had a problem with them but today whilst feeding i noticed one of them has buldging eyes. what is this and what should i do????? Im a bit worried.

Thanks in advance,


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hi everyone,

I have a colony of 11 rusty cichlids in a 4 foot tank who have been breeding like crazy so i assume everyone is pretty happy in there. Ive never had a problem with them but today whilst feeding i noticed one of them has buldging eyes. what is this and what should i do????? Im a bit worried.

Thanks in advance,


i have had this before do a large water change and be sure there is nothing dead somewhere.i had a fish die inside a shell smelled aweful when i eventially found it.

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ok just a quick update and little more info......

I have not put the affected fish in its own tank at this stage. there are a total off 11 fish in a standard 4ft tank, running 2xsponge filters rated at 480L each. No substrate but stacked sandstone. !) fish are healthy only 1 is affected.

I just did a good 30% water change, and plan to do so again on thurs night, i also just squeezed the sponge filters clean in the water i removed, so im guessing i wont lose too much good bacteria. should this be a good attack plan, 30% water changes every 2-3 days, i havnt any medicaion for the tank yet.

Is pop eye contageous from fih to fish, this is the major worry, i dont want to lose my colony if it is. if it is contageous i can move her into a 2x1x15" tank of its own with one of the existing sponge filters from the current tank....

Thanks again guys

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It could be the early signs of dropsy. Best treatment are epsom salt baths. What I would do is isolate the fish and add epsom satls tot he isolation tank. For my trophs I have used 2-3 heapsed tablespoons per 20 litres and add one a day, do a water change 20-30% with aged water (or water from their orginal tank and add table spons of salt for another 2 days until the buldging subsides. It has worked for me in the past but the trophs definitely had drospy (ie they swell up like a balloon)



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