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Strange behaviors - spasms and scraping into substrate


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I've noticed a few of my fish doing some strange things of late. I've recently done a big water change (aprox 40-50%) and rearranged their rocks to break up territories. They've all seemed to brighten up in colour a bit after doing this and all seem quite happy. I have noticed some strange behavior however; from time to time they'll spasm quite rapidy, almost like fish epilepsy, they stop after a few seconds and swim away happily enough. I've also noticed them drag their bodies along the substrate as if they were itchy, hasn't happened for a little while and not all of them do it; again a select few.

I think I can rule out the spasming as a sign of mating as the majority of my tank are males and the few females I have wouldn't breed with the fish that are exibiting the strange behaviour.

Any ideas on what is causing this and how I should treat it if its a problem?

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Hi Ziad,

Thanks for the feedback; my PH is at 8.2-8.4 and when I did my large water change yesterday I added quite a bit of Seachem's African Cichlid lake salts as well as the Malawi/Victoria Buffer. Would those be doing a sufficient job?

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It could be a problem. It sounds to me that it could just as likely be a dominance and or territorial display. My mbuna do it, especially after a rearrange. Just because they are mostly males, doesnt mean they wont shake at other males by any means. Just as a male dog mounts another male dog to show dominance, fish will do it also.


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The fish are displaying. You have rearranged their territories and they are re-establishing them.

The scraping on the rocks could be because of the large water change.

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The 'spasming' is the fish displaying either for breeding or territorial purposes. Nothing to worry about most african cichlids do it in one form or another.

The scratching though can be worrying. A scratch here or there is natural (I'm sure its not just human blokes who have a scratch :lol2: ) but if it is happening often it may be a case of gill flukes or some sort of parasite.

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