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will these cichlids cross breed ?


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hey guys just after a few opinions as im not too sure bout a few things. i have an 8x2x2 display tank full of cichlids growing out from a small size, just wondering if they will crossbreed, not really worried if they do as i wont be selling the fry, most would prob be eaten anyway i imagine.

the cichlids i have are:


cobalt blues




thats it so far, just wondering which would crossbreed with one another,

thanks in advance.

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hey guys just after a few opinions as im not too sure bout a few things. i have an 8x2x2 display tank full of cichlids growing out from a small size, just wondering if they will crossbreed, not really worried if they do as i wont be selling the fry, most would prob be eaten anyway i imagine.

the cichlids i have are:


cobalt blues




thats it so far, just wondering which would crossbreed with one another,

thanks in advance.

Hi there

The Yellows and the Saulosi could cross breed. But if you are not selling them you have nothing to worry about then. Mine did but i fed the fry to the Oscars. Nothing like a free feed of live fish.

Good luck and have fun with them.


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