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Tetra Colour Bits


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What is your view on this food? Do they REALLY enhance the fish's colour? At the moment, my fish are doing red poos after eating it - is this normal? Also is it true that it will bring out only the red colour in the fish?

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I sounds like it is bringing out the red color, through their bums that is.

I used to use this food and stoped because I was having trouble with infertile eggs. The eggs were coming out of my fish red in color and hardly ever hatched


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There is no problem with this food - however i would not use it as the only food or the main food. Use it twice a week and the fish will get great colour (all colours will be enhanced).

I have seen some electric yellows that were fed only colour bits and they turned orange!

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IMO a high quality fish food should be able to bring out the wide spectrum of natural colors in a fish, not just the color red, yet at the same time it should not cause a fish that is naturally white, to turn pink, or a fish that is naturally yellow, to become orange. When these unnatural color enhancements take place it is typically caused by excessive use of synthetic color enhancing agents, which artificially enhance the color of the fish.

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