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Dither/Small Fish


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Melanotaenia praecox - Blue neon Rainbow fish.

Always liked them and grow to about 6cm max.

(Unsure on fin biting - Never kept them with Angels or discus)


Threadfin Rainbow - Iriatherina werneri

Just some smaller more peaceful fish that I can think of. Unsure about fin biting, but i kept the threadfins for awhile and they are a very peaceful fish and gorgeous to look at. :) Hard to find though...

Hope this helps a little.

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What fish are suitable to be kept with discus/angels that wont be eaten and wont nip fins? I want some that are quite colourful and dont grow too big.



You could try blue or gold rams I havw some with my angels and they very colourful and they dont get too big. Cheers

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