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Freshwater Stingray's


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Hey all :raisehand: . Can anyone help me with the findings of anyone that has or stocks freshwater rays! :confused: I'm doing a new set up and want something to clean the tank other than the average joe brissle nose everyone seems to have. (probably cause they do the best job no doubt) Anyway any help would be great in finding these interesting critter

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i've had borneo suckers in my cichlid tank. they lasted around 3months before dieing :(

i watched them carefully and the little sucker would be constantly grazing the tank but it couldn't come down to eat as it was really shy and any fish passing by would make it jump straight back onto the glass. So for cichlid tank, i wouldn't get it.

I have balloon kissing guramis and they are cute and eats alot of algae.

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