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Demasoni with fat belly


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Hi all,

Well the tank is well on it's way back to former glory, the first lot to go in were P. demasoni courtesy of CThompson, they are obviously settled in as I already have my first mouthful!

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I also have one that's not looking at it's best with a rather enlarged belly:

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The fish seems quite happy swimming around, holding it's own against it's tankmates, etc.. I haven't specifically seen it eating, but I haven't noticed any not eating (except the above). Having previously kept Tropheus, a fat belly is something that I don't like to see. Should I be concerned or does this fish just have a healthy waist line?



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My Females used to get quite large bellies before they bred, They look a lot like what that fish looks like now.

Keep an eye on it, from personal experience it might take a few weeks

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