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Calvus and Shellies


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Hey guys I have a calvus and a gold head in a tank atm and want to make it a proper tang tank by putting some shellies in (its a small tank so only 2 - 3) I know i would have a problem with the shellie fry being eaten but would they eat the actually shellies?

The comps are only about 3cm long at the moment.

Thinking only a few multi's just to provide a bit of movement as they comps just hide all the time.

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Cool, so you just have some rocks on one side and shells on the other side?

Substrate sand?

nah i have a couple of larger shells for the comps and smaller ones scattered around the tank which the multies have piled up into groups. colfish is right the multies just pile the substrate againt the glass. it is crushed marble.

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