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Treating fungal infection with Waterlife Protozin


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Currently, I am treating an angelfish with Protozin for fungus (I think it got into a fight and got injured).

After the first 3 days of dosing, the fungus actually cleared. But as I waited to dose again in Day 6 (according to the instructions), the fungus came back in day 4 or 5. What do you recommend I do? Re-dose starting from Day 1 again? How can I prevent the fungus from coming back again after day 3 (should I continue dosing in Day 4, etc)?



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Thanks. I thought Myxazin was for bacteria infections, including fungus-like infections like columnaris. I went with Protozin as I had some, and I think the fish had "true" fungus as a result of secondary infection from the injury.

I heard Jungle brand "fungus cure" was really good - can we get this in Australia?


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