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How do you differentiate a Trimac from a Flowerhorn


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Hi all,

I was wondering if there is any way to tell the difference between a Trimac or a flowerhorn labelled as a Trimac.

I understand that flowerhorns come in many colours but some have the same colours and similar markings to trimacs(ones with trimac blood presumably amongst other things).

I am interested in getting some pure trimacs if those even exist anymore in Aus, but I want to be dilligent and make sure that they are the real deal.

thanks in advance,


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You would have to be a good to tell the difference, even a fish that looks true, may not be and you may never be able to tell.

Some of the older heads on here might still have true Trimac. Yellow (Jason) or Sorroz (Kevin) might be able to steer you in the right direction for pure fish

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My mates shop had a trimac get traded in and a well versed cichlasoma gent came and collected him and was most happy, according to him it was the real deal and from all accounts he knows his stuff quite well.

I guess it stands to reason that they are here, though numbers would be the big question.

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Sorroz (Kevin) might be able to steer you in the right direction for pure fish

hes the only one i'd trust to get them off. ;)

in fact he's the only one i'd trust to get the majority of centrals off to be honest; 90% of what i currently own originally came form him.

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Just popped in to a new shop that's opened up at South Hurstville in Sydney... Can't name it here for obvious reasons but should be able to find it pretty easy...

Sitting up the back of the shop in their own divided tank was 3 x 4" (what I believe to be) Trimacs... I've seen photo's of pure bloods, and they looked pretty darn close...

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