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Tropheus Duboisi: First Timer


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Need some advice on what to feed tropheus duboisis.

So far I have been feeding them frozen peas, zucchini and some Hikari cichlid gold and Hikari staple pellets which I had left over from my malawis. Are these items appropriate? I was planning to get some Nutrafin Spirulina Sticks and am hoping someone can advise me of what type of flakes to get for them?

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If you would like to feed them flake some good choices would be OSI Spirulina Flake, Sera Flora and HBH Vege Flake. Many Tropheus keepers have had good results with these flake foods.

If you do change their diet, and I recommend that you do, do it slowly over the course of a few weeks. This is to minimise any adverse reactions to a sudden change in diet.


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If you would like to feed them flake some good choices would be OSI Spirulina Flake, Sera Flora and HBH Vege Flake. Many Tropheus keepers have had good results with these flake foods.

If you do change their diet, and I recommend that you do, do it slowly over the course of a few weeks. This is to minimise any adverse reactions to a sudden change in diet.


Thanks very much Jamie. I'll follow your advice.



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I feed mine HBH vegge flake and they love it, but Jamo said move them over slowly. Also never give them much. They should look hungry 5 minutes after you feed them and 2 small feeds a day is better than one big one



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If i were you id cut out the hikari, its been a long time since i used it but from memory its reasonably high on protein. The other foods suggested are all pretty good quality foods, if it were me though id be feeding them NLS cichlid pellet mixed with NLS Thera A although its probably the most expensive of the foods that have been sugested.

Cheers Andy

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NLS cichlid pellet mixed with NLS Thera A although its probably the most expensive of the foods that have been sugested.

As with all things in life, you get what you pay for.

In addition, it may not be as well known/understood; you can feed less food when using NLS. It's a tough thing to judge, a little bit more or a little bit less, and be feeding appropriately, nevertheless, a practiced hand (and eye on fish tummies) can feed less NLS to help with costs. The trick is to feed less but not underfeed, which can be difficult to judge. Certainly, you can't use fish behaviour as a guide to whether or not you are feeding appropriately. I swear my K1 colony pushes so hard on the glass when they want feeding (every time I walk near the tank) the tank all but moves a centimetre or two.

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I've decided to get some NLS and HBH Vegge flakes. I intend to be gradual in the changing of diet and feed them twice a day in very small quantities. Hopefully this will work well.

What are your thoughts on mixing of colonies? I've got a 4ft tank and so far 7 duboisis. I suppose it would be a mistake to introduce a similar number of another tropheus species? I'm guessing interfighting and interbreeding might be an issue, plus the tank size might be a bit restrictive?

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Thanks again for all the responses. I'll have to keep an eye out for some more reasonably priced duboisis.

I've never been much good at getting photos of my tank, but I'll try and grab a few.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They look awesome mate! I've only just started my Tropheus collection, with a couple of Moliros, and they've already added some excitement to the tank! What size tank have you got? You got any pics of the whole thing?

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They look awesome mate! I've only just started my Tropheus collection, with a couple of Moliros, and they've already added some excitement to the tank! What size tank have you got? You got any pics of the whole thing?

Thanks bdo. My tank is just a standard 4fter. One day I'll get a 6ft (I hope) but it will do for now. I haven't got any decent photos of the whole tank, but I'll try and get one soon.

I just looked up Moliros. They are gorgeous looking fish. Are there any more where they came from?

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Hi Nazim

Just my 2cents. I think adding more dubs is the way to go as you would enjoy the interaction more, lessen any aggression and better to look at.

When you mix in another variant, one will always dominate and you wont get your other to colour well. A good forum to check out that is specific to Tropheus is tropheus fanatics.



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Hi Nazim

Just my 2cents. I think adding more dubs is the way to go as you would enjoy the interaction more, lessen any aggression and better to look at.

When you mix in another variant, one will always dominate and you wont get your other to colour well. A good forum to check out that is specific to Tropheus is tropheus fanatics.



Hey Eric. Someone earlier said exactly the same thing as you and trust me, I'm not looking to ignore the advice of people who know better. What I would like to do though, is find out what is available out there and the type of money involved as for a long time I've been harbouring a desire to get a 6ft tank. If all the planets align correctly and I find the right tank and right fish at the right price (very important) I'll probably do that and still keep my 4fter going as is. That way I could have my cake and eat it too - keep more than one variant :)

Thanks also for the link to tropheus fanatics. Looking forward to learning more about these wonderful fish.

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Hi Nazim

Just my 2cents. I think adding more dubs is the way to go as you would enjoy the interaction more, lessen any aggression and better to look at.

When you mix in another variant, one will always dominate and you wont get your other to colour well. A good forum to check out that is specific to Tropheus is tropheus fanatics.



Hey Eric. Someone earlier said exactly the same thing as you and trust me, I'm not looking to ignore the advice of people who know better. What I would like to do though, is find out what is available out there and the type of money involved as for a long time I've been harbouring a desire to get a 6ft tank. If all the planets align correctly and I find the right tank and right fish at the right price (very important) I'll probably do that and still keep my 4fter going as is. That way I could have my cake and eat it too - keep more than one variant :)

Thanks also for the link to tropheus fanatics. Looking forward to learning more about these wonderful fish.

Hi Nazim

Not a problem. Pricing can start from $15-$30 per fry depending on the variant. I bought my Ikolas more than a year ago and it cost me $20per fry. I am saving for my next variant Lufubu but the frys cost $30per fry. It depends what variant you like. I know a breeder here in Melb that has several variants and he will ship so you need to consider shipping cost in your calculation provided you cant find a breeder locally, but the forum i suggested to you, you should be able to find one unless there no fry available atm.

I have 22 Ikolas in a 4ftx2ftx18, so you should be able to keep your dubs in the 4fter and a new variant in the 6ft. I suggest if you can afford it, get at least 20frys, more if possible for the 6fter.



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Hey Nazim,

As Eric said if you're gonna attempt to stock different types of Tropheus the best option would be to have seperate tanks for each, otherwise, if you were gonna attempt to keep them in the same tank you'd want a pretty big one as you'd have to have quite a few of each to spread the aggression. I reckon dream big and go for the six foot haha, thats what I'm aiming for too! Check out the 'Tropheus Corner' on www.cichlid-forum.com, I got some good info from there.

As for my Moliro, I love em! Really wanted some Tropheus to spice things up and I chose the Moliro for their red colour as there wasnt any red in my tank yet. I got them from a breeder here in Sydney, good price too, but I think they were his last two. Best bet is to keep a good eye out on here for them. Otherwise check out www.bayfish.com.au. They are a fish wholesaler and some LFS's may be able to order some in for you from there on your request, they usually have Moliros too.

Goodluck with it all! Show us some pics once you get a chance to take them!

Cheers, Bede.

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