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Modifying a cabinet


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So with my tank on hold till I move house in 2 months... I've been thinking how I can make things a little more... user friendly.

Got to thinking that all those power boards and crap sitting in the cabinet is a little messy. So, why not put a false wall in the back of the cabinet and rig up everything right! Knowing an electrician is a little handy as well...

Few power points, some internal lights (I want to rig up on a door jam switch so when the doors open the lights come on!), a nice clean way of running the power into the cabinet and all water sealed for a bit of piece of mind with all that water hanging around all that power...

Here's the plans... Excuse the lack of precision drawing, haven't done an engineering degree...

IPB Image

Your thoughts would be much appreciated...

And now I'm just looking at it and had a thought... Need to move the middle power points on the inside of the cabinet down so that timers can be used without covering the lights...

And I can't add up for garbage... Top measurement should be 492.5 instead of 502...

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