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Are firemouths and convicts suitable tankmates for Angelfish?


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Hi, I have a 6ft long, 300L tank in which I am thinking of keeping 5-6 angelfish as the feature fish. I'd like to also keep a pair of either firemouth or convicts in there. Are firemouths and convicts ok with the angelfish in this setup?


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If they breed (the firemouths or convicts) could have some damage happen to your angels...

Angel may stray a little to close and yeah, convicts could take a nip at the fins etc.

Maybe look at some Apistogramma/ Blue rams or Bolivian rams etc. A bit more peaceful.

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don't do either firemouths of convicts far too aggressive. As ginger said apistogramma, bolivain rams and keyholes (get to same size as convicts) but from what I heard nanacara and laetacara can still get aggressive during breeding.

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i think it would be worth the shot, i mean the tank is 6ft long, and i have kept firemouths with discus before and that was all sweet, and lets not forget that angles are no pussies either, i have had angles that have kiled there fair share of fish so they won't go down with out a fight, i feel that if you went with a fish like rams and keyholes, if the angles start to breed they will rip the rams a new one:)

but i would try the firemouths over convicts.

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Thanks guys - i have kept all sorts of Sth American dwarves before, but was asking about these two as I wanted to try something different and a little bit bigger since the tank is bigger than what I had before.


some firemouths may be ok but it would still be hit and miss, convicts are a definate no no they would destroy the angels in no time.

Apisto's etc like others have suggested is the way to go :thumb

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Dwarf SA's would be ideal but if you want something bigger i think firemouths would be ok, mine are not that aggressive and tend to ignore anything higher in the water column which is where your angels would be. That said firemouths are central not south american and prefer harder water and i think the dwarves & keyholes etc are a better choice. Acaras such as the port or blue are another option.


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