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Flavus and aulonocara peacocks


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Am struggling for tank space and wondering if it is poss to keep a few flavus and aulonocara together in a 2 ft tank? Am a bit unsure if the flavus would kill the peacocks. Another option may be to put in the red empress with the flavus- would this be better? Any advice appreciated. Thanks.


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It really depends on what your flavus are like. I have met some pretty chilled ones ( for a flavus :lol2: ) and then there are the occasional ones which will even give an auratus a run for their money.... psycho flavus. I would think the red empress would stand a better chance as they are naturally used to such chasey behaviour. But this is all based on the assumption that this will be a short term arrangement. You will need lots of cover and to keep an eye on them to make sure you dont get a slaughterhouse.



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I wouldn't keep flavus or peacocks in a 2 foot tank. I have kept both together in a four foot tank, but flavus are to aggressive to be kept in a tank that small.


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