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Sexing L. tetracanthus


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Hey guys,

I have found some juvies for sale nearby, they are roughly 7-8cm. I am looking at purchusing a pair but am unsure how to sex the females. Is there anything specific i need to look at? The only way i am able to sex them is by behaviour but just wondering if there is any anatomical techniques to sex them at that size.



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I would look at size as a rough guide, generally females will be perceivably smaller if you're looking hard enough. This has been what I have found with Lamprologus and Lepidiolamprologus species I have kept before. I haven't yet kept any tetracanthus though, so am just assuming this would apply to that particular species as well.

Though using this method I don't think it would be wise to bet your house on being able to correctly sex the fish.

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It has been a while since I kept and bred these but I vaguely remember the caudal (tail) spots are different. Similar to Hypsophrys nicaraguensis.

Regardless, even if you can reliably sex them, I would recommend you get more than just one of each sex although you may need to get rid of excess fish later.

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