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1st red jewel fry


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hi ,

my red jewels have bred for the first time a couple of days ago. i was reading a couple of other forum topics about it and it said to separate the male out cos the female will look after the fry and attack the male. i have 2 males and 1 female and the reverse has happened. the 2 males guard the fry and attack the female, she has nearly lost her fins. how quickly will her fins return and do i have it wrong with my fish's gender? the 2 "males" are a really nice red and the "female" is silvery coloured. i have taken out the silvery one to help it heal, any other advice? shoud i attempt to remove the fry so everything calms back down or will they just die?

well hope to hear soon

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I think you will find your two 'males' are a pair in breeding colouration. It would be best to leave the odd one out of the tank. If the fry are free swimming and you have a fry saver or fry raising tank i would remove them, especially if they are currently in a community tank.

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Hi, i have a breeding pair of jewels and they are very good parents.

They raise their fry until quite big and do an equally good job at

guarding them. My female is bright red and the male has a slight green tinge when breeding. :)

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Just a thought maybe the two dominent fish are a male and female and the silver one is the loner :confused:

i only recently added another male to the tank. in about 5 days there were fry i have had the other 2 (the red and the silver one) in their own tank for a couple of months

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