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Oscar help


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I have two oscars approx 25-30cm that i have owned since babies, 14 months now, and previously they have been fantastic with each other untill now. Approx 2 weeks ago they started digging a pit and i thought they might breed but nothing yet not even a hint of an egg tube protuding. Just now i have noticed a scar on the slightly smaller one and the larger one is bullying it into a corner. Both fish are doing a tail vibration to each other regularly then the larger attacks the smaller. I would love these guys to breed but i am uncertain if they are both the same sex or if oscars are normally this violent in foreplay. Any advice would be greately appreciated as these were two of my first fish and i love them.

Thanks in advance


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My Oscar's weren't very violent in foreplay. They usually just sized their mouths against each other. You could have two males and the more dominant one is getting frustrated that no eggs are getting laid. I think I had two females, eggs would be laid, however, none ever hatched.

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if this continues for more than a month (i would give it a month) then you definitley have two males.

The same thing happened to me and the only way to be sure was to vent them.

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if this continues for more than a month (i would give it a month) then you definitley have two males.

The same thing happened to me and the only way to be sure was to vent them.

Any help on venting them as i have never done this before as i rely on visual for sexing my americans. This behaviour has continued for 3 weeks now and it is really starting to annoy me cause my favourite is the one copping most of the beating. All advice will be greately appreciated


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:) Hi though this can vary in different speiceis,the basic rule is the same ,catch each one ,turn it over check the two holes near base of the tail(anul hole closest to tail)two holes the same size = male /one slightly larger than anul = female.Some female vents will get what looks like a ring around the actual hole,the more you do and see the easier it gets ,hope this helps,without to much confustion,pete. :thumbup:
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