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Tank setup designs


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hello ppl,

I was thinking we should have a thread with people just putting all their before and afters' so its all in one thread.. :thumbup:

and people can just have a look and get ideas etc etc... maybe put it as a sticky so its always there. i know on other forums people have this style of thread and its very helpful and fun to look at. :thumb

so ill start off.. :raisehand:

i got a chance with a camera so here are some pics of my redesign of my aquaone 850 i did on saturday. :thumb im very happy with the result since not much planning.

this tank was my first tank & its gone thru a few changes since my fish setups/tanks change according to space and fish i like.


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AFTER - new:

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current fish : pair of blue acara, pair of firemouths & 'Caramel' - golden pleco.

* remember sharing is caring :clap .. and show off your tanks lah' ;)



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matty - ' awesome tanks.. both setups look great. i like the newer more though... they do say in design 'less is more'.. ge that peice of wood just wont sink?

little v - 'Caramel' the golden pleco is going strong.. i think he is about 22cm now.. and was about 17cm when i got him. he is the most friendly out of my plecos. :thumb

fong - all the plants are fake mate cuz i ccb taking care of real ones.. so no issues with plant eating fish.

my old malawi tank (48"x20"x14") which is now gone.

BEFORE - just setup and running

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AFTER - once cycled settled and more fish

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... anyone else gonna share pics?

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:thumb very nice set-up , i would take pic but no camera :angry: at moment but i can still enjoy everybody else s :) cheers

i would to, but my digicam takes crappy pix or maybe i dont know how to take em they always turn out crap and unclear

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