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Need help. NLS food quarantine problem!


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I have bought NLS food from the us. But it is caught by the Quarantine.

In order to get the food, I need to pay for the assessment fee( 120 dollars + ). Even then it cant not be guaranteed wether I can get it or not. :angry:

Have any of you had this kind of experience before? is it better to pay for the assessment fee or pay the postage to ship back to the seller( in this case, I still loose 200dollars )

Or, leave them to destory.. huh :angry:

Any choice makes me so so upset.

But I need your advice.



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How much did you exactly bought from the US? Was it a container load or something?

I bought mine 2.2kg from Addicted 2 Cichlids for AU$120.



Yeah, unfortunately I missed the offer and out of stock in AOA website. so decided to buy Thera A

spent 310 USD with 4 2.7kg to save the postage. the price was not bad except the quarantine problem..

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They will be looking at the ingredients - if anything is unclear or not stated they will reject the shipment. You may get a call from an inspector querying a few things as well.

I have only gone through this with medication not food so cannot be of much more help - however better to buy local and help out our sponsors as well. What may have started out a bargain is no longer that :(

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Sorry to hear about your situation. However, I think you may have learned a valuable lesson anyway.

I totally agree with Chipimbi.

For the sake of a few dollars, 10 maybe even 20, i think we collectively should forget about buying overseas and support our local product/fish shops.

Any way, i hope you can get your goods through customs since you've already paid good money.....good luck.


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All fish foods that come to Australia are Gama Rayed to ensure that the product dosent carry any nastys

If you have purchased a product from overseas it most probally has not been treated this way

Because it is for that market

The customs would be looking for some sort of guarantee that this has happened

which you wont be able to provide

I would cut my losses and chalk this up to expirence

Hopefully other people will also learn from this

Sorry I cant be much more help than that



p/s As Aline says in future use the sponsors or create a relationship with the many retailers that carry nls out there

this may help you "buy at the right price"

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I'd like to echo the comments regarding our sponsors.

This forum is provided for you guys at the expense of our sponsors. This means they pay for all of our running costs, and means you can come here without having to pay a membership fee or anything.

We always encourage members to try and support our sponsors where-ever possible, and if I was them it would bother me to see you trying to by-pass them to save a few dollars. It would bother me even more to then see you come straight back to the forum that they all pay for when your scheme doesn't work out the way you hoped, asking us all questions on how best to deal with your situation.

I reckon if you're big enough to import stuff like that and do our sponsors out of some sales, then you should also be big enough to sort your own mess out <_<

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Alright, I will take this as a good lesson. But I want to comment on some replies here. Firstly, I wanted to buy the stuff from the sponsors here so have contacted them. But I couldnt get the things when I wanted. I am not the person who want to do risky or adventrous deals when I am aware of the strick quarantine and custome rules here. Just that, I really wanted to feed the food to my lovely and sick fish to cure them faster. That is all. Just that, my dicision did not turn out well.



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But I couldnt get the things when I wanted.

If you were unable to get the food you needed from any of our sponsors, then I can understand you wanted to get it from somewhere else instead. However, I find it hard to believe that none of the sponsors were able to get it for you, particularly Waruna who is the Australian supplier of NLS products :blink

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But I couldnt get the things when I wanted.

If you were unable to get the food you needed from any of our sponsors, then I can understand you wanted to get it from somewhere else instead. However, I find it hard to believe that none of the sponsors were able to get it for you, particularly Waruna who is the Australian supplier of NLS products :blink

I didnt think about that supplier. the only sponsors I though of and dealed with before are AOA and A2C.

Also I didnt feel like paying for the normal price when I just missed the offer by few days. :(

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bad luck dude, maybe we might see you on border secriuty

LOL :)

two good lessons for me from this experience

1. Be aware of dealing pet food from overseas

2. Try to support our sponsors.

Anyway, thanks for ur help and advices. :clap

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