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which nls to use


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Yeah i made the mistake of buying 3mm thinking I could crush it easily.

The only problem is when you crust it, it never breaks evenly and you end up with a lot of dust that only serves as fry food or in clogging your filters and getting in your fishes eyes :)

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I use normal for everything, however some people use Thera A for everything. Personaly i think the smell is too stong/bad to use all the time.

I was thinking of mixing 30:70 (Thera:Normal) and using that everything, i know a couple of people do that.

Garlic is definatley a benifit, its just hard on the nose.

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I have switched from Normal to Thera A and like Huzzy said it is quite hard on the nose when you dip your nose into the bucket...LOL. It is not that bad Huzzy just make sure you close the lid probably.

My other half is very picky and if she can't smell these stuff I think its safe to say they are not that bad....LOL By the way I've hide a 2.2kg bucket in the cabinet...Shhhhhhhh.

PS maybe being a smoker do have its benefit..........LOL



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I have switched from Normal to Thera A and like Huzzy said it is quite hard on the nose when you dip your nose into the bucket...LOL. It is not that bad Huzzy just make sure you close the lid probably.

My other half is very picky and if she can't smell these stuff I think its safe to say they are not that bad....LOL By the way I've hide a 2.2kg bucket in the cabinet...Shhhhhhhh.

PS maybe being a smoker do have its benefit..........LOL



I dont use lids on my tanks :) And the room smells pretty bad after feeding.

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I feed them to all my Tropheus and if you're concern with the fat contents I can assure you that my Trophs love them and have no trouble in any health related issues. Matter of fact my Trophs are big and not fat as in bulky or stocky then when I used to feed them other foods.



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