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Will fronnies eat them?

Out of Africa

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Hi all,

I want to get some e. blues and yellows to brighten up my fronnie tank but am worried that the big males will have a feast! The males are 16-22cm. I was thinking 5cm and above might not fit in the males mouth?

What are your thoughts???


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Hey mate, I keep a fair few front's, but i keep front only tanks so i am not too experienced about tankmates. I have however heard on many occasions that a front will eat anything that can fit into his mouth if they are hungry enough. If you have seen a decent size male yawn, you will think twice about the size of the tankmate.

My main reason for not adding tankmates has been because a lot of other fish are fin nippers and will nip the beautiful fins that all your fronts can develop if they are kept correctly. Also other fish can disrupt spawns as well.

In your circumstance you have to weigh up what you really want. If you definetly want some colour than get some yellows etc. but make sure they are a decent size. Another well known and good tankmate for fronts are cloan loaches as they keep the tank nice and clean and in my opinion they look pretty cool too. Good luck!

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G'day there,

I've got a colony of 6 bars (1m:4f) in a 5x2x2 with 2 leleupi, 5 julies, 2 gold comps, 4 Prot spilonotus, 1 kadango and 1 electric yellow. No Probs. There is quite a lot of rock in there, so there is plenty of place to find for the little leleupi and julies. The fronts breed, the gold comps breed all the time. The male frontie is the boss but he is too consumed with his females to worry too much about the others. The male is about 20cm, the females 12-16cm. The thing I find most important for the females is them finding a place of solace int he tank where they can hold there mouthfuls without to much harrassment

I used to have a colony of electric yellows in there before the fronts started to breed. There was usually about fry less than 2cm swimming amoungst the rocks. I prefer to go with the open water malawi's as the mbuna seem to hassle more for territory around the rocks where my female fronts like to hide out.

I suppose in the end it depends on your fish. Some might be a little more agrresive than others. Lots of people wouldn't recommend it. Maybe I'm lucky. Hope you are too ifyou try it!!

Good luck


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Thanks guys. I will give it a shot. I will have plenty of rocks too. I might need to swap some males for females soon as I have 5 males , 1 female. If I have 3 females and 3 males it might make matters better and they might also breed?

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Yeah you want to shift that Male:female ratio. How big is your tank? You may only need one male or possibly 2. I had a large male and 2 smaller males with 4 females in my 5x2x2. They would spawn but the females would never hold more than a couple of days. After I got rid of the 2 extra males, the fronties settled down heaps and the females started to hold full term. Something to think about. Check out what other breeders are doing.


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