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Unsucsessful Maingano mouthful


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Hi Guys,

Just striped anotehr maingano, i believe it might have been her first time holding but i only got i full grown fry from 10 eggs. I let her hold the full 21 days and striped her tonight, the fry looks very healthy but i got 9 dud eggs, some of hem look like a light brown colour where as otehr are more of a pale pink colour and others are 1/2 brown 1/2 pink.

I left the female in the container for a while to see if she would pick them up but didnt, just wondering whats happened? were they just eggs that werent fertilised or something else?

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sometimes they look whitish instead of the usual orange colour they may also be furry with mould as my case with the egg tumbler I've been morking on

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