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oddballs with great photograthy

Tunnel Rat

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whats the go with him finding a 1.5 foot endie in australian outback or something?


I have been following Bens collection for some time now he has the best collection of fish (oddballs) I have ever seen.He is one great photographer as well.

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whats the go with him finding a 1.5 foot endie in australian outback or something?


Ben (amiidae) lives in Singapore they get all the good stuff :thumbup:

What's your favourite fish of his collection will take some time to look at them all ;)

I just love the Lophiosilurus alexandri on page 38-39


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definately the tigerfish, i wil lbe in singapore and malaysia at the end of the year, hopefully can get the chance to visit an arowana farm


whats the go with him finding a 1.5 foot endie in australian outback or something?


Ben (amiidae) lives in Singapore they get all the good stuff :thumbup:

What's your favourite fish of his collection will take some time to look at them all ;)


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That dragon knife fish looks great!

any one know if you can get em in aus??

If we are talking about the same fish Aba Aba knife fish I know someone who has one for sale.

What page is it on just to make sure it is the same fish real ugly looks like it has a big nose.If this is the one very aggressive & when it gets big can only safely be keep by its self.


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If we are talking about the same fish Aba Aba knife fish I know someone who has one for sale.

What page is it on just to make sure it is the same fish real ugly looks like it has a big nose.If this is the one very aggressive & when it gets big can only safely be keep by its self.


on page 2 first one he calles it a dragon kife, looks like a dragons head,

how big do they get? and how much?

Thanks Rat!

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If we are talking about the same fish Aba Aba knife fish I know someone who has one for sale.

What page is it on just to make sure it is the same fish real ugly looks like it has a big nose.If this is the one ve

on page 2 first one he calles it a dragon kife, looks like a dragons head,

how big do they get? and how much?

Thanks Rat!

Sorry for the gee up wrong fish the Aba Aba knife fish has the same looking head but its fins are on top of its body not the bottom.Aba Aba grow big around 4ft long.Do a goggle on Aba Aba knife fish you may like it as they have the same ugly face.


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well thanks for the look out any ways!!

do you know if we can get the dragon knife is aus?

I have never seen one but who knows what tomorrow will bring.That face it looks a bit human :lol4:

How about those Blue whales they look like mini sharks they sure did make a mess of that DEAD ;) goldfish.

Sooty is still the man coming up with some good fish at good prices shame he is not on ace.But is always still no the other two sites.


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