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venting my RD's


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hi guys i think my RD's are big enough to sex now ( via venting ). i wanted to take a pic for all you expericanced venting people to see of you could sex them. They are about 6-7 inches. should i just net them and take a picture ( or film a movie ) of their under belly for you guys to look at ? or what would be best way for you guys to see of them to vent them ? - Marty.

EDIT: Ok i'm uploading a HD clip that i took of my 2 RD's. I netted them and filmed their underbellies, i'm uploading it now to stage6.com will post link once its uploaded and ready to view. - Marty

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The vents look identical to me. Both look like girls. Is there any differences between the two fish in head shape or finnage?


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The vents look identical to me. Both look like girls. Is there any differences between the two fish in head shape or finnage?


not really one is a bit bigger than the other, both have long dorsal fins... what does a female vent meant to look lke ?

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Here is a link to an article about vent sexing cichlids. It also has pictures showing the male and female vents. Most of the pics are African cichlids, but I imagine it wouldn't be much different for Americans.


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