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Setting up a tank for the Bristle nose


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I have a two foot tank and a breeding pair of bristle nose that are currently in my display tank and breeding now and then , i would like to transfer them into the 2 ft tank , and was just wondering what should i put in it , eg, substrate ? drift wood ? plants etc ? any help would be great cheers

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I have a two foot tank and a breeding pair of bristle nose that are currently in my display tank and breeding now and then , i would like to transfer them into the 2 ft tank , and was just wondering what should i put in it , eg, substrate ? drift wood ? plants etc ? any help would be great cheers

I have bristlenose in 2 foot breeder tanks.

bare bottom , with black plastic under and on back.

bog wood

several caves [plastick tubes, aquacor caves and bamboo caves]

heater at 26 degrees

sponge filter for aeration and filtration.

net enclosures in same tank to raise the fry.

good luck peter.

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I have bristlenose in 2 foot breeder tanks.

bare bottom , with black plastic under and on back.

bog wood

several caves [plastick tubes, aquacor caves and bamboo caves]

heater at 26 degrees

sponge filter for aeration and filtration.

net enclosures in same tank to raise the fry.

good luck peter.

I have a few bn setups like this and they work well :thumb

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I'd go for bare bottom.

Sponge filter and power head for current across cave entrance but into cave.

Some caves, Matthew's are awesome.

Bog wood.

I've got my breeders on a rack with a garbage bag over the front of the tank so they do not get disturbed, I never see them doing "IT" but they're not shy under the doona. :lol3:

Bare bottom means you can feed them up and keep the tank really clean easily.

I do a 10 - 20 percent water change everyday in my 2 footers, the smaller the tank the more work to keep the water quality excellent.



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My breeder tanks are 2ft x 18inch deep x 14 high and hold 100 litres approx.

30L sounds scarey with regard to maintaining water quality and consistency especially if there are 60 - 100 fry munching 24/7.

good luck :)



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