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Baby Peppermint without spots


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Hi All,

Check out this little guy out. I almost sucked him up when I was vacuming tonight.

IPB Image

If anyone can make this image bigger feel free to fix it. I don't know why its not working.

The picture is in the gallery.

Very Cute!! :wub



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I really hope you realise why it doesnt have spots.... <_<:):):)



IPB Image

/me can't see anything. I do love peppermints though - if you ever end up selling some juvie's, bassoonboy, let me know - my tank is just down the road in Narrabeen :)

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LOL, might be a little bit of a wait until you can see spots....

Willo, can you see that little yellow thing that looks like an egg with a tail and a head??? Thats what we are all looking at....

Congrats on the find though Pat!

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Thanks guys and for fixing the pic. I don't know what I did wrong.

This little guy is a while off being sold but I will have some for sale from an earlier batch in a month or so. Willo I'll pm you when they're ready.



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